“Methodology for IMPACTPapeRec best practice and working instructions” deliverable published
“Methodology for IMPACTPapeRec best practice and working instructions” deliverable published
This deliverable is a synthesis of the methodology used in the project to identify and collect information about good practices of Paper for Recycling collection, and to further analyse and evaluate them. Based on the experience gathered with this task of the project, the report also provides “working instructions” useful to anyone who is interested in conducting the same process of identification and assessment of the performance of one or several territories in terms of Paper for Recycling management.
The report identifies several steps in the process and provides useful tools and tips for each of them:
- Selection of territories
For this purpose it is important to involve a range of different stakeholders with a diverse background and expertise in order to get a broad overview and coverage of territories.
- Data collection using methodological tools:
Excel template: quantitative data covering a range of aspects (contextual, legislative, economic, operational).
Questionnaires: qualitative data gathered through the consultation of a range of relevant stakeholders (six different stakeholder groups are suggested): citizens, shops and small businesses, waste management company, paper mill, employees of waste management department of the municipality, NGOs
Factsheet: summarised data, easy to read, combining the main data from the two documents above
Site visits: in addition, it is important if the “evaluator” can personally visit the territory and see the practical functioning of the collection system with his/ her own eyes
- Data analysis
Once the data is gathered, it is useful to involve a number of different stakeholders at the analysis stage.
- Data evaluation
For evaluation, it is useful to use performance indicators which help to monitor performance of Best Practice application and can also serve to benchmark with other territories or across time.
The working instructions build on the intensive work done in the first months the project, but the work and the learning process are still ongoing and this report only presents the current status at the time of the publication. A final methodology will be presented in the main outcome of the project – the Handbook on Best Practices in Paper for Recycling collection.
The full report is public and you can download it here.